Posted by Pamela on Friday, July 25, 2014
I have fell in love with the mandolin. I have played guitar forever and have picked up mandolin 2 other times and the 3rd times a charm. It's best to have an instrument that you enjoy playing and that you just have to pick it up every time you see it. I have found that in the KM 700 that I found online. This one is different from any KM that I have seen. The body is thicker than any other mandolin I've seen. The top wood is like a premium spruce...Seen this kind of wood on 5-7K mandolins. This one has curly or quilted maple sides, back and neck. Gold hardware w/pick guard. It's been setup by a professional. The bridge is setup with the top and bottom of the bridge touches making it all one piece. It has a sound like no other but I am still dialing it in and getting use to it. It came with either silk and steel or nickel wound strings. That makes it balanced from top to bottom when played. I have put the norm J45 on there but that's really not the string for this. This mandolin doesn't need help or need to be pushed to play it. It also has bigger fret spacing on it and that does make it easier and faster note changes. When I make at 4 finger chord at the top of the neck (G chord) I really have to work on finger placement. It's a little longer stretch. But that's where the non phosphorus bronze strings come into play. Less abrasive sound. Now that's a very sweet sounding mandolin!! Thought I'd share this with all. Better than reading about the news!! :)
1 comment
on “Just a word...”
Muscle Tone Says:
Sunday, July 27, 2014 @6:33:01 AM
I really enjoyed playing the 700 yesterday. It has an absolutely great sound! Good choice!
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