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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: myHangout Consolidation.

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jkgarner - Posted - 06/24/2014:  07:02:02

The various myHangout sites (Dobro, Banjo, Guitar, Fiddle, Mandolin) all seem to be related or run by the same group/organization. The only difference visually is color. The only difference content is instrument choice. They even link to each other on the main menu bar! Furthermore, when you create a myHangout account on any one, they all call it a myHangout account, implying that they account is broader than the one site used to create the account. However, all this similarity belies the fact that each hangout seems to have its own login, and account pool.  I thought that my myHangout account (created under banjo hangout) would work on the mandolin hangout. It did not. So I created a SECOND account. Now the people at myHangout have to track and maintain two separate accounts. I suggest this be corrected, and the several hangouts connected to myHangou,use the same account pools. IN the long run, it will be less confusing for the users, less confusing for the site maintainers, and less data storage for the site.

Texasbanjo - Posted - 06/25/2014:  05:16:07

As I understand it, the Banjohangout stands alone and the dobro, fiddle, guitar and mando hangouts are "linked" together, so it might be possible to have a Myhangout account for all except the Banjo.   Eric could probably figure out a way to link all the Hangouts.  Good idea. 

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