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Calv - Posted - 01/12/2012: 13:09:02
Just a thought, as far as advertising the Mando Hangout is concerned, at present (please correct me if i'm wrong) the only way of doing this is by either verbally telling someone or sending them a link, yes?
What about having a "Blinky", not sure what the technical name is, but these are used a lot in blog land. Quick explanaition for those who haven't seen them or know about them...basicaly you have a picture on your site (usualy a small square pic), in this case it could be a mandolin and the name "Mando Hangout" on that pic. The code is set up so that when a person clicks that picture, it takes you straight through to wherever you want them to go....in this case the home page of the Mando Hangout.
The site owner would have the "blinky" picture designed, and the code for it made available here on the site somewhere. I would then copy that code, and insert into the html code bit on my blog design. Hey presto, my site now has a Mando Hangout advertisment on it for anyone to click. Costs me nothing, i don't think it costs you anything to make, nothing to display it.....more people coming through the MHO.
I, like many others here, have a blog that is unrelated to mandolin, but would be more than willing to display one of these.
I'm not great with the more technical side of this, but i could easily find out some info from friends that have made these themselves.
Just a thought.....
Texasbanjo - Posted - 01/13/2012: 05:46:20